Spotlight Mama
Sorry I have been MIA lately, I truly apologize to my followers! I have been busy working on new stuff for the blog, getting in shape for a swiftly approaching photo shoot and have had a couple sick kiddos. Good news is, I'm back in the saddle with our FIRST Spotlight 'Motivated Mama'. Meet Melissa. She is the owner of Baby Monster Photography here in Okinawa, Japan. She is such a sweetheart and she totally motivates the pants off of me....why you ask? Well, she will tell you herself! Here is our recent Q&A session. She is a total BAM = Bad Ass Mama!
Me: How many kids to you have?
Melissa: I have three beautiful daughters (ages ~6, 4, 2) and am 36wks pregnant with my fourth (daughter).
Me: What is you fitness background?
* Certifications – None yet, but I’m testing for my CSCS this winter.
* Skills – CrossFit, Olympic lifting, power lifting
* History – I was a competitive power lifter in the mid-late 90s. After getting out of the U.S. Navy in December 2002, I slowly became less active and packed on the pounds.
* Current status – CrossFit wannabe! Still having fun with my strength training, but trying to lose body fat and increase my metabolic conditioning.
Me: Why is fitness and health so important to you as a mother?
Melissa: I got a very late start having kids (I’m 40), so I feel a responsibility to my girls to stay as healthy and active as I can. I also want to set a good fitness example for them, which is something I never had growing up.
Me: Do you have a a favorite workout, move, exercise, class or program?
Melissa: I drank the CrossFit 'koolaid' and I love it! It is never boring, always challenging, and makes me feel ALIVE! I seriously feel like a kid again when I’m in there flipping tires, climbing ropes, etc. It rarely feels like work and helps me accomplish things I never thought I could.
Me: What is your dream fitness completion/challenge?
Melissa: I would love to compete in lifting again—Olympic lifting, power lifting or possibly both.
Me: What is your favorite healthy snack or meal?
Melissa: Hands down I would have to say a nice ripe avocado with fresh cracked pepper and sea salt. It’s so delicious and satisfying.
Me: Best advice you would like to share with other ‘Motivated Mamas’.
Melissa: Make yourself a priority. You deserve to have YOUR time, too. It will make you a happier person and a better mama!
Me: Guilty pleasures? Let’s face it; none of us are prefect. We all have a favorite cheat meal, what's yours?
Melissa: I love my wine and sushi. Can’t live without them!
Me: How many times a week do you workout?
Melissa: I’m slowing down a bit here towards the end of my pregnancy (36wks on June 7), but I’m getting in at least two WODs (workout of the day) a week along with a bench/shoulder day and a light cardio day (walk, bike ride, etc).
Me: Do you have a favorite piece of workout gear?
Melissa: I recently invested in a pair of Olympic lifting shoes and I love them. They’ve really helped with my stability during the lifts (especially with my preggo belly!), I only wish I’d have gotten them sooner.
Me: How do you balance your life with staying fit and motherhood? How do you make the time?
Melissa: For a long time, I used my kids as an excuse not to exercise. I tried to avoid the issue, but it was staring back at me every time I looked in the mirror. I didn’t like what I saw and I knew if I could see it, my girls could see the same thing. I soon realized that if I was going to be the mother I wanted to be, I had to be a happier, healthier person. I resolved to find programs that allowed me to PT with my kids. While living in Hawaii, I found Stroller Strides classes and slowly started to regain my fitness and confidence. I continued with Stroller Strides for a while after moving here to Okinawa, but was looking for something that was more challenging and included more strength training. I was lucky enough to find Reebok CrossFit Asia, a local box that also had child care available. I started boot camp June 18, 2012 and was hooked! By October 2012 I had lost 20 lbs and was getting stronger every day. I found out I was pregnant on October 31, 2012. I continued to train without modifications until 20wks, and have slowly had to modify my workouts. Surprisingly, I’ve been able to get stronger during my pregnancy. My proudest accomplishment was, at 30wks preggo, completing the WOD “Grace” in 3min 30sec (For time: 30 clean & jerks with 95lbs). Though I’ve gained more weight than I expected to with this pregnancy, I hope to be able to recovery from it quickly and continue on my fitness journey.
CONGRATULATIONS, Melissa on being the first featured mommy!!! Best of luck with your upcoming labor and delivery. I can't wait to see your newest gorgeous addition.
Here is a clip of Melissa rocking 160lb front squats at 35 weeks pregnant with her 4th daughter!
Best maternity picture, EVER! |
Get it, girl...or should I say girls?
Follow Melissa on Twitter @squatmama and on facebook: